Calculate the efficiency for an air-standard gas-turbine cycle (the Brayton cycle) operating with a pressure ratio of 3.

Calculate the efficiency for an air-standard gas-turbine cycle (the Brayton cycle) operating

with a pressure ratio of 3. Repeat for pressure ratios of 5, 7, and 9. Take γ = 1.35.

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Calculate the efficiency for an air-standard gas-turbine cycle (the Brayton cycle) operating with a pressure ratio of 3.
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Consider an air-standard cycle for the turbojet power plant shown in Fig. 8.13. The

temperature and pressure of the air entering the compressor are 1 bar and 30°C. The

pressure ratio in the compressor is 6.5, and the temperature at the turbine inlet is

1100°C. If expansion in the nozzle is isentropic and if the nozzle exhausts at 1 bar,

what is the pressure at the nozzle inlet (turbine exhaust), and what is the velocity of

the air leaving the nozzle?

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