What is the speed of the I/O card that you need to order from the supplier?

Suppose that you are designing a game system that responds to players’ pressing buttons and toggling joysticks. The prototype system is failing to react in time to these input events, causing noticeable annoyance to the gamers. You have calculated that you need to improve overall system performance by 50%. This is to say that the entire system needs to be 50% faster than it is now. You know that these I/O events account for 75% of the system workload. You figure that a new I/O interface card should do the trick. If the system’s existing I/O card runs at 10kHz (pulses per second), what is the speed of the I/O card that you need to order from the supplier?

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What is the speed of the I/O card that you need to order from the supplier?
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