Develop policies and procedures for the volunteer program.

Paper should be 2,800 in length, not including the title page, abstract, and reference sections. You should use and cite a minimum of 10 scholarly and credible professional sources in support of your proposal. All sections of your paper, including references, must follow APA guidelines. no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please use the references below

Imagine that you have recently accepted a position as the new Volunteer Administrator at Difference Today Nonprofit (hypothetical). Because of your expertise, you have been hired to establish the volunteer program.

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Develop policies and procedures for the volunteer program.
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Develop a proposal describing your volunteer program and how you see yourself working as the Volunteer Administrator for Difference Today Nonprofit. This is an organization struggling with recruiting, retaining, and coaching volunteers. The organization is well-funded by a for-profit company and has experienced great success, but has never established a strong volunteer program. You are the first Volunteer Administrator that the organization has hired.

Your role will be to assess how to:

  1. Create and manage the volunteer program.
  2. Prepare the organization prior to launching the program.
  3. Develop a strategy for recruiting and retaining volunteers.
  4. Train and develop volunteers.
  5. Develop policies and procedures for the volunteer program.
  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the volunteer program.

Your volunteer program proposal should include a section corresponding to each of the above six issues. Support your recommendations in each section, where appropriate, with research or examples from scholarly and credible professional sources.

In addition, since you are responsible for developing the comprehensive program to be rolled out in the next six months, a timeline for important functions and milestones should be included in its own section of the proposal. It will help to think in terms of what is in the best interest of Difference Today Nonprofit, the volunteers, and the support staff.


Carvalho, A., & Sampaio, M. (2017). Volunteer management beyond prescribed best practice: A case study of portuguese non-profits. Personnel Review, 46(2), 410-428. doi:…

Connors, T. D. (Ed.). (2011). The volunteer management handbook: Leadership strategies for success. Retrieved from… (Links to an external site.)Chapter 10: Training Volunteers

Dunn, J., Chambers, S. K., & Hyde, M. K. (2016). Systematic review of motives for episodic volunteering. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 27(1), 425-464. doi:10.1007/s11266-015-9548-4

Einolf, C. (2018). Evidence-based volunteer management: A review of the literature. Voluntary Sector Review, 9(2), 153-176. doi:…

Kolar, D., Skilton, S., & Judge, L. W. (2016). Human resource management with a volunteer workforce. Journal of Facility Planning, Design, and Management, 4(1) doi:10.18666/JFPDM-2016-V4-I1-7300

Lee, Y. (2019). Variations in Volunteer Use among Human Service Organizations in the USA. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations30(1), 208–221.

Manetti, G., Bellucci, M., Como, E., & Bagnoli, L. (2015). Investing in volunteering: Measuring social returns of volunteer recruitment, training and management. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26(5), 2104-2129. doi:10.1007/s11266-014-9497-3

Mind Tools. (n.d.). SWOT analysis: Discover new opportunities, manage and eliminate threats [Web page]. Retrieved from…

NCVO Knowhow Nonprofit. (2015, December 15). Volunteer policies [Web page]. Retrieved from…

Vantilborgh, T., & Van Puyvelde, S. (2018). Volunteer Reliability in Nonprofit Organizations: A Theoretical Model. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations29(1), 29.

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