Compare and contrast these two tools. explaining the benefits and features of each

In this week’s discussion, you were introduced to Wireshark and GlassWire, two free network monitor & security tools. Compare and contrast these two tools. explaining the benefits and features of each, then decide which of these two choices you would prefer to use if you were the Network Manager. Explain why you made your decision.

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Compare and contrast these two tools. explaining the benefits and features of each
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1)Need the paper in own words (300-350 words) with more than 2 sources no more older than 5 years and in APA format.Citations,formatting you must also site them properly (not just copy the URL) you need to use first line hanging with paragraphs etc.

2) It will be sunmitted it into safe asssign so the match percentage should be less than 15%.It means absolutely no plagiarism.

3) Some points mentioned by my professor regarding APA format

a)Citations: First off you can not just use any website. It needs to be of academic quality not just some random website. Also when you cite a website you do not just copy the hyper link and paste it in. There is more to it than that. There are lots of cites to help you with this. One example is

b) APA Format: Many of you are not even trying to do APA format. You guys are missing a lot of the elements. Here is a link that will help you with a sample paper:

c) Plagiarism: Some of you are getting a really high percentage on this. If the school feels you are plagiarizing you can get in a lot of academic trouble. I saw one person theirs was 80%

d) Typos: It is your responsibility to make sure that spelling and punctuation are correct. Some of you are not using comments and/or having some serious spelling errors. Once you post an assignment you need to verify that Blackboard did not mess it up and if did you may have to go back and MANUALLY fix it.

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  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)