What in particular bothers him about them?

Details: Part 1: Analyze the views of nature expressed by Emerson and Thoreau in this week’s readings. Then compare and contrast them to one another. You might also want to apply these themes of nature to overall thought of the Transcendentalists as a genre or discipline.

Part 2: What does Thoreau think of his contemporaries in “Civil Disobedience”? What in particular bothers him about them? Is there any societal expectation, convention, or behavior that you feel you would like to rebel against? Why?
Submission Instructions:
Your initial discussion for each part should be at least 250 words. During the week, read the messages posted by your instructor and classmates and join the discussion. Your instructor may ask questions, provide explanations, and include links to other resources.

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What in particular bothers him about them?
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