Examine the extent to which public opinion should affect Supreme Court decisions.

“Supreme Court Responsiveness to Public Opinion ” Please respond to the following:

Lecture: https://blackboard.strayer.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-31418778-dt-content-rid-942100_4/institution/SOC/205/Week%2010/Lecture/embedded/player.html

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Examine the extent to which public opinion should affect Supreme Court decisions.
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Part 1 (Respond in great detail):

Take a position on whether or not you believe the Supreme Court is responsive to public opinion. Examine the extent to which public opinion should affect Supreme Court decisions. Support your response with at least three (3) examples of the perceived effects of public opinion on Supreme Court decisions.
Summarize three (3) Supreme Court decisions that you believe have had the most impact on our society. Provide a rationale for your response.

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