Explain the effect of globalization on the US labor market and global labor policies.

Wal-Mart: Globalization Case Study

Wal-Mart: Globalization Case Study Need by

To examine globalization, the focus is on the multinational corporation Walmart. After watching the videos and reading the resources, leverage scholarly resources and statistics in a 750- to 1000-word essay to do the following:

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Explain the effect of globalization on the US labor market and global labor policies.
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  1. Analyze the effect of globalization on job quality and unemployment patterns.
  2. Contrast different viewpoints on globalization (i.e. neoliberal, world systems) and their arguments for and against the role of NGOs.
  3. Wal-Mart: Globalization Case Study

    on globalization (i.e. neoliberal, world systems) and their arguments for and against the role of NGOs.

  4. Explain the effect of globalization on the US labor market and global labor policies.
Great to see you again I have added all the required resources:Beautiful Mind. (2005, October 11). Wal-Mart: The high cost of low price [Video file]. New York, NY: Retail Project L.L.C. Retrieved fromWalmart The High Cost Of Low Price (Links to an external site.)Fadi-BNZE-HD. (2014, March 14). Full documentary no logo brands, globalization and resistance [Video file]. Retrieved from No Logo Brands, Globalization and Resistance (Links to an external site.)
*Study guide, http://www.mediaed.org/assets/products/115/studygu…Ford School. (2011, March 11). @fordschool – Paul Krugman: Reflections on Globalization: Yesteryear and today[Video file]. Retrieved from.@fordschool – Paul Krugman: Reflections on Globalization: Yesteryear and Today (Links to an external site.)PBS Newshour. (2014, August 20). ‘Factory Man’ explores human side of how globalization affects U.S. industry [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/factory-man-explores-human-side-globalization-affects-u-s-industry/ (Links to an external site.)Walmart. (n.d.). Community giving. http://foundation.walmart.com/Recommended References

International Monetary Fund. (n.d.). Key issues: Globalization. Retrieved from http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/key/global.htmWorld Affairs Council: Nor Cal. (2006, October 6). Making globalization work Joseph Stiglitz [Video file]. Retrieved from http://library.fora.tv/2006/10/10/Making_Globalization_Work (Links to an external site.)Online Writing Lab (n.d.). Annotated bibliography samples. Retrieved from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/03…

Walmart The High Cost Of Low PriceNo Logo Brands, Globalization and Resistance.@fordschool – Paul Krugman: Reflections on Globalization: Yesteryear and Today
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