Wal-Mart: Globalization Case Study Need by To examine globalization, the focus is on the multinational corporation Walmart. After watching the videos and reading the resources, leverage scholarly resources and statistics in a 750- to 1000-word essay to do the following:
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Great to see you again I have added all the required resources:Beautiful Mind. (2005, October 11). Wal-Mart: The high cost of low price [Video file]. New York, NY: Retail Project L.L.C. Retrieved fromWalmart The High Cost Of Low Price (Links to an external site.)Fadi-BNZE-HD. (2014, March 14). Full documentary no logo brands, globalization and resistance [Video file]. Retrieved from No Logo Brands, Globalization and Resistance (Links to an external site.)
*Study guide, http://www.mediaed.org/assets/products/115/studygu…Ford School. (2011, March 11). @fordschool – Paul Krugman: Reflections on Globalization: Yesteryear and today[Video file]. Retrieved from.@fordschool – Paul Krugman: Reflections on Globalization: Yesteryear and Today (Links to an external site.)PBS Newshour. (2014, August 20). ‘Factory Man’ explores human side of how globalization affects U.S. industry [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/factory-man-explores-human-side-globalization-affects-u-s-industry/ (Links to an external site.)Walmart. (n.d.). Community giving. http://foundation.walmart.com/Recommended References International Monetary Fund. (n.d.). Key issues: Globalization. Retrieved from http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/key/global.htmWorld Affairs Council: Nor Cal. (2006, October 6). Making globalization work Joseph Stiglitz [Video file]. Retrieved from http://library.fora.tv/2006/10/10/Making_Globalization_Work (Links to an external site.)Online Writing Lab (n.d.). Annotated bibliography samples. Retrieved from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/03… Walmart The High Cost Of Low PriceNo Logo Brands, Globalization and Resistance.@fordschool – Paul Krugman: Reflections on Globalization: Yesteryear and Today
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