How does Taylor’s account capture the plight of women and African Americans in this short documents.

After reading Primary Source Quiz document #1, students will write a 750 word informal response. The response does not need to be in essay format, but needs to have two section. In the first section, students will establish context. When did this happen (give a time frame: for example, in the late 1890s), and list or explain the series of events or a shift in cultural, social, economic, or political attitudes that shaped this event. This section should be at least five sentences long and will count for about 10% of the assignment. Next students will engage with the question posted below (Ignore any questions at the bottom of the document). In this section, students will be graded on their ability to think critically as oppose to simply telling me what the document says. I’m looking for you to analyze the document to help understand what Americans were thinking about these issues in that historical moment (not how we think about them now). This section should be about 700 words long and will count for about 90% of the overall grade.

Since gender and race are themes of the course, how does Taylor’s account capture the plight of women and African Americans in this short documents. Remember, provide some kind of context. Do women have equal rights? African Americans? What’s going on in US history that makes this document interesting?

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How does Taylor’s account capture the plight of women and African Americans in this short documents.
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