Explain and analyze a key historical event or process in U.S. history.

Topic: Explain and analyze a key historical event or process in U.S. history since the American Revolution and prior to 1876. Make a clear, specific argument about why that event or process is important for understanding U.S. history. Use the textbook and at least one primary source assigned for homeworAk in your paper.
Subject History
Number of pages 4
Spacing Double
Number of slides 0
Number of Questions 0
Number of Problems 0
Academic Level Bachelor
Type of Work Writing from scratch
Type of Paper Essay
Sources needed 2
Abstract Page No
Paper Format MLA

Paper details
1000-1500 words (approximately 3-4 pages)
Follow the format from the syllabus
Cite all material from other sources (including anything from lectures and/or class discussions)
NO OUTSIDE SOURCES (only sources from this class)
Be sure to consult the grading rubric on Canvas (under the Rubrics section).

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Explain and analyze a key historical event or process in U.S. history.
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the textbook use from CH9-15

THE BOOK I use is on the web


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