Would reporting your colleague be considered “whistle blowing?”

Are you a whistle-blower?

  • Explain when and how whistle-blowing is ethical.
  • Identify an ethical system that would consider whistle blowing a betrayal.
  • Identify an ethical system that would consider whistle blowing a public duty.
  • Would you consider reporting your colleague to a partner in the law firm or some other higher authority?
  • Would reporting your colleague be considered “whistle blowing?”

For information on the legal rules of conduct and whistle-blowing, visit the following websites:

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Would reporting your colleague be considered “whistle blowing?”
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  • Cato.org: Policy Analysis
  • USdoj.org: INS Employees’ Allegations of Retaliation
  • Whistleblower.org
  • Guidelines for Conduct

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