Describe at least 5 specific actions that you can take beginning today to decrease bias,

Topic: Supporting Diversity

Details: 400 words
Research definitions of bias, stereotyping, and prejudice using the Internet and the course materials. Describe at least 5 specific actions that you can take beginning today to decrease bias, stereotyping, and prejudice in your daily life. Then, discuss the following:

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Describe at least 5 specific actions that you can take beginning today to decrease bias,
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Why are these types of individual efforts so important for promoting fairness, ensuring justice, addressing social problems, creating positive social change, and demonstrating respect?
In your opinion, how can such efforts positively impact a diverse society and the modern workplace in a globally connected world?
Base your response on the course materials for this week, online research, and your own experience. Be sure to write your responses using appropriate language, establishing professionalism, and demonstrating sensitivity to all groups. Provide both personal examples and research citations to support your answer.

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