International Human Resource Management.

The paper should include the following points:
• Based on the country of Mexico, conduct research on employment law, labor and regulatory standards, and employment discrimination for the country you selected.
• Be sure to identify key international standards the countries have agreed to follow regarding basic human rights, harassment, sex trafficking, etc. Information may be found by researching the International Labor Organization, OECD and UN Global Compact requirements.

The items below are not to be included in the paper.
• Minimum wage, overtime, work hours, holidays, maternity leave, leaves of absence content, etc SHOULD NOT be included here as we will cover in week seven.
• Issues on Visas and Immigration should NOT be included

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International Human Resource Management.
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As one reference please use International Human Resource Management, 5th edition by Tarique, Briscoe, & Schuler. (2016)

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