How would not having a counterterrorism plan impact the agency’s effectiveness?

The FBI is a national law enforcement agency. After 9/11, the FBI officially made counterterrorism its top priority. A renewed focus on domestic intelligence gathering is a component of this new strategy.

Your task with this assignment is to review and evaluate these changes and their results. Prepare a well-researched report in Microsoft Word that covers the following points in 5–7 pages:

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How would not having a counterterrorism plan impact the agency’s effectiveness?
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  • What is the role of the FBI in coordinating domestic intelligence efforts at the local level? How does this impact local law enforcement agencies?
  • Describe organizations that the FBI operates in conjunction with local police and/or private sector organizations for the purpose of sharing information.
  • How does the expansion of police authority in the interest of fighting terrorism impact the local police responses to more traditional domestic crime?
  • Are there any law enforcement agencies that do not have a counterterrorism plan? Why would an agency not have a counterterrorism plan? How would not having a counterterrorism plan impact the agency’s effectiveness?

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