How will the organization’s mission affect your program?

Answer the following:

Programs are often smaller pieces of a larger human services organization. How will the organization’s mission affect your program?

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How will the organization’s mission affect your program?
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Why is it important to make sure your program is oriented to the organization’s mission and purpose?

Submit your response in half page, …The reference the the attached reading hsm270_week4 and 6 is

Yuen, F. K. O., & Terao, K. L. (2002). Practical grant writing and program evaluation. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning.

Below is the Week 8 CheckPoint: Alternative Funding grading rubric. Please review it carefully as I will evaluate your work using this grading guide. Thank you.

Week 8 CheckPoint: Alternative Funding

Points Earned

Points Possible


· Brainstorm ideas for alternative/nontraditional funding for the program you selected from Appendix B. Search the Internet and/or contact local human services organizations for ideas on obtaining nontraditional funding.

· Describe in 200-300 words your plan to obtain alternative/ nontraditional funding for the organization and program in your chosen scenario.


Description should include information and ideas on alternative/nontraditional funding obtained from internet searches, contacting human service organizations and/or other resources.

Cites all sources consistent with APA guidelines.


Sentences are complete, clear, concise, and error-free; rules of grammar usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed.

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