What are barriers to a healthy nutritional status?

Topic: NSG 460: Nutrition and Dietetics

Details: Please review the rubric and follow the rubric please.
Article Review on Malnutrition/Obesity and Improving Outcomes
Research Journal Article

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What are barriers to a healthy nutritional status?
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Choose a research article from a nursing/nutritional journal that explores the issue of strategies to improve health related outcomes regarding obesity/malnutrition in our society today. Below are a few suggestions you might consider.

This can include:
1. What are barriers to a healthy nutritional status?
2. Rates of obesity/malnutrition in Virginia/Maryland
3. Why do people have difficulty in maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
4. What impact can nurses have effecting changes in the health care system?
5. Does preventive care make a difference?

Follow the posted rubric specific to this assignment.

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