Why sales forecast are inaccurate: Why Sales Forecasts Are a Joke

This week we learned that sales and operations planning are intricately linked. Sales wants to ensure enough products are available for the final consumer. Operations only wants to make what is needed in the most efficient way possible. The issue is that many times sales forecasts, thus production quantities, are overestimated.

Geoffrey James of INC Magazine wrote an article on why sales forecast are inaccurate: Why Sales Forecasts Are a Joke

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Why sales forecast are inaccurate: Why Sales Forecasts Are a Joke
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For the discussion, pick any public company and examine what they forecasted last year’s sales to be. Then check the company’s actual numbers for that year. Did they make their projections? Why do you think they are over/under?

Here is the link for addition information: https://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/why-sales-forecasts-are-a-joke.html

Write around 300 words.

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