What is the value proposition for the e-commerce?

E-commerce journal.

The first step is to select an existing e-commerce out there on the Internet. Then, answer the following questions based on what you can research about the e-commerce.

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What is the value proposition for the e-commerce?
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1. What is the name of the e-commerce, and what type of service or product does the company offer? (Answer with approximately one to two sentences)

2. Has the e-commerce been designed as a business-to-consumer (B2C) business, a business-to-business (B2B) business, or both? (Answer with approximately one sentence)

3. Which specific business model best suits the e-commerce (see pages 75 and 83 in the textbook)? (Answer with approximately one to three sentences)

4. What is the value proposition for the e-commerce? (Answer with approximately three to four sentences)

5. How would you describe the revenue model for the e-commerce? (Answer with approximately three to four sentences)

6. What is the market opportunity for the e-commerce? (Answer with approximately three to four sentences)

7. How would you describe the competitive environment for the e-commerce? (Answer with approximately three to four sentences)

8. What is the competitive advantage for the e-commerce? (Answer with approximately three to four sentences)

9. How would you describe the market strategy for the e-commerce? If you have a difficult time determining the market strategy, briefly describe how you would approach the market strategy for such an e-commerce. (Answer with approximately three to four sentences)

10. How would you describe the organization development for the e-commerce? (Answer with approximately three to four sentences)

11. How would you describe the management team for the e-commerce? (Answer with approximately three to four sentences)

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