Why do you think age discrimination is so commonplace? How does the ADEA address this discrimination?

1. Using one topic from the following list, how would you explain race discrimination in hiring practices to a new HR employee using your chosen topic? Provide an example to help illustrate these hiring practices. What points would you emphasize?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

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Why do you think age discrimination is so commonplace? How does the ADEA address this discrimination?
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Disparate Treatment

Disparate Impact


2. In many cultures, age is celebrated and older individuals are sought out for their wisdom. In contrast, in the United States, many feel age discrimination is rampant. Do you agree or disagree? If so, why do you think age discrimination is so commonplace? How does the ADEA address this discrimination?

3. Sexual Harassment is a form of sexual discrimination. What is a significant misconception you believe most people have about the law that relates to sexual harassment? What would be the best course of action for a manager to take in the workplace to prevent that misconception from causing a problem?

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