A 4 Page Casual Analysis

Rubric down below

Identify a problem you’ve experienced (examples: bullying, absentee parents, alcoholism in home, dealing with life-threatening diseases in the family) and explore several possible causes to it. 4-5 pages, double-spaced, including the following primary sections:

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A 4 Page Casual Analysis
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• Introduction: Share one experience you’ve had with the problem and provide evidence that shows how big the problem is, about 1 page.

• Analysis: Explore several possible causes, introducing each through a particular resource and providing additional research to corroborate and challenge the possibility, about 2 pages

• Conclusion: Note the most likely cause(s) based solely on your analysis, and suggest the most likely effects if we do nothing, about 1⁄2 page.

• Works Cited: Document the resources used in your paper, about 1⁄2 page.

For this essay you will need an article on the problem which you plan to explore, and

possibly more depending upon the causes.

To start this assignment, I want you to break down the problem to a personal experience and then go into one specific cause and research the ramifications of that one, specific cause (Cause One). For the final Causal Analysis you will bring in other causes to see which one is the most valid.

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  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)