Frankenstein Character Analysis


A compelling and central issue for Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein centers on the moral choices that the main two characters make in the novel, and to what extent these choices make them sympathetic or unsympathetic characters for the reader. For critics this issue has often rested upon the following trifecta of questions posed by critic Lawrence Lipking:    – Is Victor an idealistic hero or a destructive genius?   – Is the creature a natural man or an unnatural monster?   – What moral are we to draw from this strange story? Analyze one of these two main characters in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein – Victor or the being he creates (the ‘monster’) — in light of the following: to what extent is this character sympathetic and/or unsympathetic to the reader based on the choices and reasoning they demonstrate throughout the entire novel? Be sure to regularly include quotes from the text in your body paragraphs and be representative (considering different examples and choices from the beginning, middle, and end of the novel).

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