Standards of Validation and Discussion and Conclusions Section


Standards for Validation and Evaluation Using the standards for validation and evaluation, provide a critique the qualitative research design and execution of the research paper. Identify and describe both the strengths and limitations of the study regarding validation standards. Using the relevant reliability evaluation criteria for the appropriate qualitative tradition of the qualitative research project, identify and describe the strengths and limitations of the study. {NOTE: The reliability evaluation criteria essentially speaks to all phases (e.g., research problem; purpose and question; sample selection; form of data collected; data analysis/interpretation; and writing up the study).  The overview you provide should address all phases of the research process. Discussion and Conclusions This section provides an interpretation of the results by explaining what the results mean. This section should develop connections between what is known and what emerges from the research project to create new understandings or new knowledge.  It should also explain what research should be conducted to extend the research that you have done or to answer questions that you have uncovered? What is the logical next step for researchers in the field? References Appendices These are optional, but typically include letters send to recruit participants, informed consent letters,  interview protocols, interview and/or focus group transcripts and other supporting documentation too lengthy to have in text. Include information that you believe will be important to your instructor and to other readers.

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Standards of Validation and Discussion and Conclusions Section
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