M07 Emotional and Social Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood


What to Do Discussion Directions Click “Reply” and post your initial response  (minimum 200 words) by Thursday evening at 11:59pm Pacific Time.  Then read through the other entries and reply directly to one classmate (minimum 50 words) by Sunday evening at 11:59pm Pacific Time.  When you reply, always type the name of the classmate you are responding to, and your name at the bottom of the message.  Make sure to use proper grammar and punctuation in this college level course and in all correspondence.  Please avoid using “text” or “twitter speak” when corresponding.   Prompt Why do many infants show stranger anxiety in the second half of the first year? What factors can increase or decrease wariness of strangers?

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M07 Emotional and Social Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood
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