Should voting in Canada be compulsory

Finish writing the formal academic argument essay using the same topic that you chose for  the “Argument Practice (FOR FEEDBACK ONLY)” assignment: Voting in Canada should/should not be compulsory. Salary caps should/should not be much lower for professional sports. The number of immigrants allowed into Canada each year should/should not be higher. Step 1 – use the error correction key, which was pasted onto the end of your homework, to revise your practice argument paragraphs. You have already written your introduction. It contains…   a description of the topic, current situation, etc. with background that helps identify your intended audience; your audience is Members of Parliament and business owners for the first topic, athletes, sports managers, and city governments for the second topic, and immigrant communities and Members of Parliament for the third topic; the level of formality is formal; a thesis statement that contains the topic, your response to the topic, and three points you will cover in your (imaginary) essay; under no circumstances are you allowed to use a sentence in your introduction that says anything like, “[x] is a controversial topic these days.” You have already written your first body paragraph. It contains… a topic sentence that covers one main point for the entire paragraph; supporting sentences that develop the one main idea of the paragraph; at least two different hedges and/or boosters; a quotation from one of the sources you found (if allowable) with which you agree or disagree; the quotation must have a subject, reporting verb, and a parenthetic citation. You also have already written your reference list. It contains… the source from the quotation that you used in your paragraph Demonstrate that you can use the error correction key to make revisions. For example, if you made a mistake with subject/verb agreement, correct only that error. Don’t change the form or tense of the verb or choose an entirely new word. Step 2 – add three more paragraphs to the two you have already written. Add two body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. You should have a total of five paragraphs when you have finished. Your second body paragraph will be similar to your first body paragraph. I will contain… a topic sentence that covers one main point for the entire paragraph; In this case, it should be the second main idea from your thesis statement. supporting sentences that develop the one main idea of the paragraph; at least two different hedges and/or boosters; a new quotation from one of the sources you found (if allowable) with which you agree or disagree; In this case, the source should be different from the first source you have already used.  the quotation must have a subject, reporting verb, and a parenthetic citation. Your third body paragraph will contain… a topic sentence that covers one main point for the entire paragraph; In this case, it should be the third main idea from your thesis statement. supporting sentences imagining how your audience might object to your opinion; an answering objections that demonstrates why the audience’s objection is flawed or that your opinion is a better alternative. Your concluding paragraph will contain… a restatement of your main points; Restatement does not mean that you copy and paste the sentences you have already used. a memorable statement and/or a recommendation for the specific audience. Step 3 – incorporate the second source into your reference list. Type your revised essay in a new Microsoft Word document (strongly preferred) or an Adobe .pdfs document (acceptable). I cannot open any other file types such as .pages. If you attach a .pages document, you will not receive a grade. At the top of your document, type your name, your student number, the date, the class, and the name of this assignment. If you attach a document without that information, or if you do not include all of that information, you will not receive a grade. Example: Zhang San, 300033333, 2020-11-25, ESL2361J, Argument Essay Revisions might appear at the top of your document. When you save your document, type your name, your student number, the date, the class, and the name of this new assignment.  If you attach a document without that information, or if you do not include all of that information, you will not receive a grade. Example: ZhangSan-300033333-2020-11-25-ESL2361J-ArgumentEssayRevisions.docx is an acceptable file name of a document. You must submit your work to this Brightspace assignment page before 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, November 25th.

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Should voting in Canada be compulsory
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