Canadians and their Leisure


Instructions Leisure Research Paper (25%) Have you ever wondered about how work and leisure is changing in our society? Perhaps you’ve wondered what the therapeutic recreation opportunities are for people with disabilities or what types of leisure services are available to the aging or newcomer population in Canada? Or perhaps you’ve been thinking of pursuing a career in municipal recreation in your home community? Or maybe you’ve come across the newer areas like food tourism or international sport for development? If you’ve wondered about anything related to recreation and leisure, then this assignment is your opportunity to research and explore!  Objective For this assignment, you will research a topic of your choice and write an analytical research paper. This type of research paper is one that starts with a research question in which you have no stance or position (note: your stance or position will more than likely take shape through the process of researching). Your goal is to then present the information you have found on the topic and offer a critical interpretation of the knowledge you have found about your topic. For hints about what an analytical research paper is, please explore the following link How to complete your Leisure Research Paper To complete this paper, you will identify a topic of your choice related to recreation and/or leisure. You will research the topic, explain it and then critically examine it utilizing knowledge presented in the course, the assigned textbook, and academic and non-academic resources. For this assignment you will need a minimum of 3 sources. These 3 sources must include at least 2 academic peer-reviewed journal articles and at least 1 non-academic source such as a website, newspaper article, youtube video etc.  (Hint – at the end of each chapter is a list of references. This is a good place to start to look for academic sources.) You will be graded on your understanding of the information presented and your ability to link this information to the concepts of recreation and leisure, the various socio-cultural issues and/or various topics presented in the course and/or the textbook. You are free to choose your topic.  Popular topics in the past have included but are certainly not limited to: Therapeutic leisure and recreation services and programs for Canada’s aging population Leisure experiences related to youth, new Canadians or minority populations The ways funding affects national/provincial programs related to recreation services or sport programs Volunteerism and its role in the provision of recreation and leisure services in Canada Sport development versus sport for development in Canadian and/or International contexts Issues in tourism and sustainable tourism; food tourism, adventure tourism, eco-tourism The following is a list of journals available online through the University of Manitoba library.  (You do not have to draw your articles from these journals, however, they are a good place to start your research) Leisure/Loisir Leisure Sciences Leisure Studies Journal of Leisure Research Annals of Leisure Research Therapeutic Recreation Journal Annals of Tourism Research Sport in Society Sociology of Sport Journal Leisure and Society/Loisir et Société Format: The essay must be a minimum of 4 pages and up to a maximum of 6 pages in length and must also include a separate title and reference page. (In other words, 4-6 pages plus a title page and a reference page) double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, saved in Microsoft Word, Apple Pages or as a PDF.  Essays must be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. Point form will not be accepted. For this assignment you will need a minimum of 3 sources. These 3 sources must include at least 2 academic peer-reviewed journal articles and at least 1 non-academic source such as a website, newspaper article, youtube video etc.  (Hint – at the end of each chapter is a list of references. This is a good place to start to look for academic sources) Electronic peer-reviewed journals (E-journals) can also be found at Essays must use the American Psychological Association’s (APA) guidelines for in-text citations and references. Please see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition) for specific details. The following links provide information about APA format. Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management’s Library Guide: What is APA Format?: Examples of APA Style of Documentation: Other APA Formatting and Style Guide: Submitting your assignment:  PLEASE NOTE: Before submitting your assignment to the appropriate assignment dropbox, please save it with a filename that starts with your last name followed by your first initial and the name of the assignment. For example – Plumton C Research Paper When ready, you will submit your assignment to the appropriate assignment dropbox in UM Learn. This can be found under the Assessments menu on the navigation bar. (Go to Assignments and select Assignment 2: Leisure Research Paper)

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Canadians and their Leisure
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Leisure for Canadians by Ron E McCarville Kelly MacKay (z-liborg) canadians and their leisure

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