Policy Advocacy in Housing

Introduction (20%)                 –           1. State the topic of the article; and, the name                                                              or names of the author or authors who have written the article (10%).  2. State the exact reasons which the author or authors have advanced for writing the article (10%).     II.        Literature Review (20%)         –           Provide a complete summary or an  itemization (comprehensive list) of the ideas which the article is attempting to convey to the readers.     III.       Theme (20%)                           –           Your creative plan in writing your own                                                                          response to the article.                                                                         1. Exactly what do you intend to write about?                                                                          You may agree, disagree, or be critical of                                                                          some or all aspects of the article. You may                                                                          apply a combination of the above as deemed                                                                          expedient (10%).                                                                         2. Exactly how do you intend to accomplish                                                                          this? Your position (agreement,                                                                          disagreement, critique) must be supported                                                                          academically by the literature in the field,                                                                          which can be obtained through research  (10%).     IV.       Implementation (20%)            –           You implement your plan exactly as has been                                                                          stated in the theme above.      V.        Conclusion (20%)                    –           Your personal views about the article.                                                                         1. Whether or not this article has been:                                                                          researched properly, biased, properly written                                                                          in comprehensible language, political,                                                                          academic, fair, and so on.                                                                         2. The expressed views must entail whatever                                                                          factor or factors that may have had an impact                                                                          in your thinking and research exposure.                                                                         3. Provide supportive academic reasons for                                                                          the personal views stated.      Methodology Of Writing             NOTES TO SUPPORT THE STRUCTURE OF THE METHODOLOGY       I.          Topic Create a topic for your paper. The topic may be different from that of the article, reflecting the ideas that are to be embodied in your own research and writing.             The topic is to be located in a separate front page along with these particulars:   1.         Name of the student                  2.         Name of the course 3.         Name of professor 4.         Date of presentation     II.        Paragraphs             Each section in the methodology should be written in the form of a series of paragraphs. Each paragraph signifies an idea.     III.       Citations             These must consist of researched sources. They should be stipulated either in the form of footnotes (located at the bottom of each page) or in bibliographic format (works cited), and placed in the last page of the paper. Students may apply a combination of footnotes and bibliography.     IV.       Length of Papers             Excluding the cover and citation or bibliographic pages, the length of the content presentation papers must be exactly four pages (three pages for American Government) – no more or less.      V.        Type-Written Papers             All papers must be type-written for them to be accepted for evaluation purposes.     VI.       Copies of Papers             A copy of each type-written paper or presentation must be submitted to the professor immediately prior to its presentation.     VII.      Oral Delivery             Only written presentations should be used for oral deliver

Methodology – Writing and Presenting Papers Housing Advocacy Housing Advocacy (1) Methodology – Writing and Presenting Papers (1)

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