Life Cycle assessment of a car tyre

The text, excluding maps/tables/charts, must be 10-15 pages, double-spaced, Arial, or Times New Roman font. Include a reference page in the CSE format.              All maps/tables/charts must have captions and references. Design each paragraph to have a thesis statement and several supporting statements. Include transition sentences so that the ideas flow logically throughout the paper.   U.S. industry statistics with maps/tables/charts. Economic trends and consumption with maps/tables/charts.    Industrial process description with process flow diagram – inputs and outputs. Using subheadings don’t forget  specific energies, raw materials including water, air/water/solid wastes, etc.   Quantification of pollutants released annually in the U.S.   Pollution prevention and LCA opportunities to reduce inputs/outputs. Reduction of resource inputs and outputs using PP/LCA. Use subheadings to list specific inputs and outputs. Revised process flow diagram incorporating pollution prevention and LCA applications. You should address at least 5-6 inputs/outputs. Critical review of this reductionist approach versus systems approach ideology. (Your opinion) The text, excluding maps/tables/charts, must be 10-15 pages, double-spaced, Arial or Times New Roman font.87366534-tire-process 22310566-Continental-Car-Tyres-Tyre-Basics Final Aluminum Tyler Karcher (1)

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Life Cycle assessment of a car tyre
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