
In this assignment you will be completing an overall assessment of your diet and discuss factors that are important due to eating triggers and your personal health history. In your write up include a narrative discussing the following topics: What Affects My Food Choices and Eating Behaviors? Not one single factor, but various factors affect our food choices. This is the time to explore and to discuss conditions that influence your choices. You are expected to comment on and discuss each of the four factors. Statements such as “I do not have any…,” are not accepted for credit. Additional information on food choices can be found at the following link: (Links to an external site.). Physiological: (i.e., pregnancy, diabetes, food allergies/intolerances, athletics, hunger, appetite, etc.) Sociological: (i.e., peer pressure, food stamps, limited support for food, lack of food preparation knowledge, cultural practices, family traditions, peer pressure, etc.) Psychological: (i.e., mood, stress, depression, disordered eating, etc.) Family Health History: Discuss health conditions that you are aware of among your family members (examples: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, anemia). What steps are you currently taking to reduce your risk of these conditions? Create a 3 day sample meal plan: Given the information you write about in reviewing what impacts your food choices, how would you plan out your diet. We have learned about diet and diabetes, heart disease and cancer. What would your ideal, realistic diet look like. Plan out 3 days worth of food. Write up a 3 day menus complete with portion sizes. Enter the foods into the GBHealthwatch program and run an assessment on it. Your goal is to achieve a score of 95 or greater. You may need to adjust your diet to meet that score. Your submission will consist of a 2 page written report, a typed up meal plan and the GBHealthreport assessment of the 3 days.

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