From the range of UK business vehicles available, justify the suitability of the chosen business structure for a new but potentially fast growing tech start up (Science Sector).
STRUCTURE OF ESSAY: The submission is an individual report of a maximum of 6,000 words on a topic pertinent to businesses in the science sector. TOPIC: You will individually (and all your own original work) write an essay on the following: From the range of UK business vehicles available, e.g. public company, private company, partnership, sole trader etc you should select one and justify the suitability of the chosen business structure for a new but potentially fast-growing tech start up. From this base develop a case study where you either describe an existing start-up company, or outline a plausible scenario for one. Use this case study to consider economic, international, technological, commercial and management issues which will influence the ability of the business structure that you have chosen, to grow. MARKING CRITERIA: Your essay should provide answers to all headings in “Criteria” below. Please note that all headings bear equal marks, so you are advised to give serious attention to each. You are welcome also to illustrate specific points in your essay with reference to other real-life examples. Your report should not exceed 6,000 words. CRITERIA (each worth 10/100): 1. – Understand what different business vehicles are available in the UK, the relative merits of different business vehicles and the various corporate and personal taxation issues that may apply. 2. – Understand in broad strokes the process of new venture formation and the role of Companies House. The need for obtaining adequate investment and working capital finance, the various financing options available like debentures, shares, options and warrants – both now and for the future. How to attract investment from e.g. Business Angels or Venture Capital. 3. – Consider common tools available to analyse the business planning process and how that depends on the nature of the business structure and the likely finance requirements 4. – Consider alternative management structures and how operations might be organised, a brief demonstration of understanding of some common business analysis tools. 5. – How to formulate a marketing and sales strategy – particularly with regard to the markets and services and the resources required to achieve the desired level of revenue and profit 6. – Labour and human resources issues – With particular emphasis on the ability to retain and incentivise key members of the team who are critical to the future success of the business 7. – Demonstrate an understanding of any issues which may arise in the management of “knowledge workers” and of information management systems like ERP, CMS, CRM 8. – Demonstrate an understanding of the possible impact of emerging technologies on future trading 9. – Legal, regulatory and compliance issues – Presentation: References, grammar, clarity and styleLECTURE NOTES ESSAY INSTRUCTIONS ESSAY INSTRCUTIONS\\