
please read the attached text and listen to sunn O)))’s song, Black Wedding (19 minutes, listen with headphones!). Please also review & consider the excerpts from Toward a Queer Phenomenology of Field Recording, listed below the attached reading. For your response: Free write for five minutes on your own sexuality, with the recognition that heterosexuality is not a default, or lack of sexuality. After having done so, write about 300 words responding to either the Black Wedding reading (and song) or the excerpts from Toward a Queer Phenomenology of Field Recording. Keep in mind your perspective from your free write, and examine what connections or disconnections you see. This prompt is generally open-ended, but some concepts you could respond to are: Black Wedding — darkness as presence rather than absence, suppressed identity, knowledge, and labor, or how the song itself reflects or doesn’t reflect ideas about sexuality. Toward a Queer Phenomenology of Field Recording — translation or non-translation of sexuality from the visual to the sonic (or vice versa), the physicality of sound, or voice as a marker of identity.

Black Wedding The Brooklyn Rail

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