A critique of 2 of the following media articles

Journalists and other media outlets (e.g., blogs) have a challenge in communicating science. Research must be presented to the public in an engaging and understandable way, but shouldn’t oversimplify or make factual errors. Too often the media makes errors such as furthering the naturalistic fallacy or deterministic fallacy when discussing the results of science.  Another common mistake is giving hormones functional names that are not accurate, such as calling testosterone a “male hormone”.  Finally, media articles may draw conclusions from the results that are not supported, or ignore the fact that correlation does not mean causation.  For this assignment write a critique of one or more of the following media articles: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/having-sex-believe-in-god-research-religion-duke-university-patty-van-cappallen-a7330076.html https://metro.co.uk/2016/09/26/oh-my-god-having-sex-makes-men-more-likely-to-feel-religious-6152454/ https://www.popsci.com/love-hormone-also-boosts-feelings-spiritual-enlightenment/ Here is the original research article: https://academic.oup.com/scan/article/11/10/1579/2413952 Your critique should be a maximum of 600 words with more than one paragraph.  You should critically evaluate the article and note errors in how the article covers the research, logical errors, or over-interpretation of the results. You can also point out things that are done well in the article as part of your critique. Your critique should not be a list of problems in the article. Rather, it should be a well structured critique with a logical flow to the argument.  Make sure to cite any articles or internet sites that you refer to.  However, you do not need an extensive literature search to complete the assignment. Please use APA 7 formatting and referencing. You do not need a title page.  Upload your written paper to turnitin via the Assignments menu.

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