Due Saturday by 11:59pm Points 8 Submitting a file upload File Types doc, docx, xls, xlsx, and pdf Attempts 0 Allowed Attempts 1 Available until Nov 14 at 11:59pm Reflection Response-Part VI is a written assignment that will demonstrate your understanding of the assigned readings in Chapters 17 (Learning Objectives 1 & 3 Only), 19, and 20 (Learning Objectives 1 & 4 Only) (Managing Financial Resources). In addition, it must reference Ashwini Anburajan’s TED Talk, How cryptocurrency can help start-ups get investment capital: Most importantly, Reflection Response-Part VI should answer the following question: Would you raise funding for your company using equity, debt, or cryptocurrency (as outlined by Ashwini Anburajan)? References to concepts from the required assigned chapters from the textbook and TED Talk MUST be included when answering the question above. As a result, it is important for students to cite their sources when writing Reflection Response-Part VI. Reflection Response-Part VI should be between 200 to 300 words in length. It is important that your introductory paragraph demonstrates your objective statement or thesis statement, while the subsequent paragraphs should support your reflection on the topic. Moreover, Reflection Response-Part VI will be evaluated on the ability to follow the required format, answer the question above, critically analyze the assigned reading chapters, and react to the above TED Talk. Students who fail to properly submit Reflection Response-Part VI by Saturday, November 14, 2020, at 11:59 PM will obtain a ZERO grade for the assignment. In other words, there will NOT be any opportunities to make-up the assignment after the due date. Rubric Reflection Response Reflection Response Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTED TALK 1) The TED Talk is used to fully addresses the topic…2) Writer consistently demonstrates a strong initiative, creativity, and original thought. 2.0 pts Far Exceeds Standards 1.6 pts Meet Standards 1.2 pts Below Standards 0.0 pts Missing 2.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTEXTBOOK CHAPTERS 1) The response fully addresses the topic question…2) Writer consistently demonstrates a strong initiative, creativity, and original thought. 2.0 pts Far Exceeds Standards 1.6 pts Meet Standards 1.2 pts Below Standards 0.0 pts Missing 2.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTOPIC QUESTION 1) The response fully addresses the topic question…2) Writer consistently demonstrates a strong initiative, creativity, and original thought. 2.0 pts Far Exceeds Standards 1.6 pts Meet Standards 1.2 pts Below Standards 0.0 pts Missing 2.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOVERALL RESPONSE WRITING 1) Thesis statement is focused, manageable, and clearly expressed….2) Accurate, relevant details support the thesis statement….3) Writer exhibits insight into the topic….4) Direct or indirect quotes are included and help to convey an effective message….5) Paper exhibits logical sequencing and coherent flow of ideas….6) Paragraphs’ topic sentences are elaborated with appropriate examples and details….7) Writer sustains a consistent voice throughout the paper….8) Writer incorporates evidence from research and/or experience creatively….9) Paper displays accurate format including titles, spelling, and punctuation. 2.0 pts Far Exceeds Standards 1.6 pts Meet Standards 1.2 pts Below Standards 0.0 pts Missing 2.0 pts Total Points: 8.0