Utilizing any sources you wish, research your selected topic, and learn more about it. Be sure to look at the topic from all sides (both pro and con) as appropriate to the topic. Several beginning sources will be listed in the Project folder, but you are not limited to these suggestions. Use at least 3 sources and try to remain as impartial as possible when listing facts. Opinions or actions of leading chefs may be presented to illustrate what people are currently saying and doing about the topic. The point is for you to be able to formulate your own opinion based on your findings. Once you have completed your research and educated yourself on your topic, and once you have witnessed other people’s opinions on it, formulate your own findings and write what you have learned. Write at least 850 words on your findings, being sure that your ideas and writing flows well. Format your paper and submit your final copy online according to the instructions below. Remember to cite your sources. ***copied this from the paper my professor sent us***