Man down

You are called to a confusing case. An elderly man is found dead in a field near his home. He has a bullet wound to his chest. No weapon is found at the scene, although a pair of scissors is discovered near the body. Surveillance video shows the man walking toward the field and he has something that cannot be identified in his left hand. How would you classify this case? What evidence would you base this on? What do you think happened? What other investigative strategies would you use? THEN RESPOND TO STATEMENT BELOW. Please be detailed in your response. A lot of people did not really take postpartum depression really seriously after they’ve learned about it. I believe that after this case is when people started to really realize that it is very effective and it can cause a lot of damage if it is not treated. I believe that Andrea Yates should be held in a mental facility and receive psychiatry treatment because if she is suffering from postpartum depression she should be able to receive some time in jail but she should not stay there or she can do her jail time in a psychiatric hospital because she is suffering from depression that needs to be treated. She deserves close supervision because she did attempt to commit suicide before the murder of her children. I honestly think her punishment should be life imprisonment in a psychiatric mental hospital. It is a cry for help. She deserves the help although it is too late because she has already murdered her children and she did not receive the proper help that she needed before that event. They did treat her for two months and prescribed her antipsychotic medications but she did not get the supervision she needed because if she is suicidal and has a mental illness she shouldn’t have been responsible as a parent to look after her kids.  It plays a part on the system and her as well because on one hand it could’ve been prevented if they took it as serious and important as it is. I believe religion influence her decision in a small way because she was receiving religion from Michael Woroniecki and he once preached that “the whole world is going to hell”. As someone who is suffering from mental illness she probably took that very seriously and think that she could’ve took matters into her own hands when she tried to commit suicide on herself , she didn’t succeed and then drowned her children as a result.

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