Bone and joint

In this discussion, you will examine how bones and joints within the human body are comparable to simple machines and other devices. Objectives Name the functions of the skeletal system.Describe the histology of compact bone.Define and give examples of bone markings.Name the cranial and facial bones.Describe the three types of joints.Name examples of the two types of synarthrotic joints.Name examples of the two types of amphiarthrodial joints.Give examples of the six types of diarthroses or synovial joints.Describe the capsular nature of a synovial joint.Describe the possible movements at synovial joints.Instructions Step 1: Respond to the following: The bones and joints within the human body are complex and very important to movement. They work as coordinated systems, much like machines. What are two simple machines or devices that remind you of different mechanisms within the human body’s skeletal and articular systems? Mention the part of the human body, what machine or other device it reminds you of, and how the body part and machine or device are similar. You might take a particular joint and relate it to a type of simple machine. The action that a muscle produces when it pulls on a bone, for example, is similar to a simple machine called a lever.

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Bone and joint
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