Leadership Essay

Assignment Select from one of the following four films: Invictus (Topic: Creating a vision) The Devil Wears Prada (Topic: Tasks and Relationships) The Big Short (Topic: Ethics in Leadership) Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows (Topic: Overcoming Obstacles) You are to write a 3-5 page essay (not including reference page and cover page) while addressing the following: Watch carefully leadership traits on display in scenes from the movie you selected.  Identify and describe leadership traits demonstrated by the main character(s). What are some traits we see from the protagonists?  What is the take-away with respect to leadership and communication that you can take away from this film?  Identify the in- and out- groups. What type of leadership style do you feel the protagonist displays? Why? Do not submit a film critique or review. You are to discuss the connection between communication, leadership skills, traits, and theories that are demonstrated by the protagonists of the film. Each of the films has a particular topic associated with it. For example, if you select The Big Short explain the importance of ethics in leadership, discuss in group and out groups

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