Personal narrative

this personal narrative  from when i was younger 7 years old use quotes and  add dialogue  use “I” write about this- when i was younger i used to go to Ecuador every summer because school was closed and they did not want me to be in the house with a babysitter and bored all summer long, while they worked  i remember taking a late night stroll with my grandma and aunt in ecuador and we saw a hot dog vendor and i asked if they could buy me a hot dog they said yes we crossed the street and walked towards the hot dog vendor and my aunt said a hot dog please and the vendor said what would you like on the hot dog my aunt turned and looked at me i barely knew all the words in spanish so i said KETCHUP my grandma and aunt turned and looked at each other so confused because they could not understand what i was trying to say. In my mind i didn’t not know what other word to call it but ketchup. so i said la cosa roja which translate to the red thing  they said tomatoes? i said no and i refused to eat the hot dog without any ketchup on it. back then they didn’t have WhatsApp/ video calls, it was difficult but doable to get in contact with foreigners. My aunt took her cellphone out of her purse and called my mom at 8pm at night. My mom picked up and ask is everything ok? what happened? my aunt said your daughter is saying she wants something on her hot dog but we cannot figure out what she wants and its been like 10 minutes already. my aunt says to my mom she says she wants ketchup on her hot dog, she mis pronounces the word ketchup. i get frustrated because no one is understanding me. my aunt passes me the phone im about to start crying because i feel so misunderstood. i hear my moms voice and she said what do you want in your hot dog i say ketchup, my mom bursts out laughing and says ok pass me back to your aunt. My aunt says to my mom what does she want? my mom says “salsa de tomate” which means ketchup but in spanish. my aunt tells the street vendor that i want salsa de tomate on my hot dog, he hands me the hot dog, i was so happy to finally take a bite of the hot dog. my aunt and grandma did not buy a hot dog. i was eating the hot dog as i walked home with them.  i remember being scared to talk in english because in ecuador it isn’t too safe if they know you come from the united states. a little about me: my name is jocelyn, female (use this to help you write a personal narrative about me)  instructions: DIRECTIONS FOR PERSONAL NARRATIVE: “ write your best personal narrative, in the simplest, clearest way possible. “Write your best personal narrative, your best true story, telling the story of one small moment.”  ATTACHED are some samples of personal narratives if you need any guidance

Personal Narratives

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