In 4000 words (+/- 10% is acceptable) you must write an investigative essay against a topic and title that you have chosen in discussion with your supervisor. This must be relevant to current issues in the built environment and your overall topic must be agreed with your supervisor. GENTRIFICATION IN LONDON This should demonstrate that you have investigated a relevant problem or issue within the built environment, you have offered a line of argument around this and you have made appropriate recommendations. The investigative essay needs to include: 1. An appropriate title. 2. Identification of a suitable problem and a Rationale that justifies this choice. 3. An aim and objectives. 4. A line of argument that is carried throughout the paper. 5. Evidence of wide research synthesised into the paper. 6. A demonstration of critical analysis of what you have read, and critical thinking in forming you own views. 7. A suitable conclusion. You must ensure the interim submission has a suitable structure, has good English and grammar, and is referenced following Westminster Harvard style.