Writing Assignment # 2: Analysis of Text (5%) Due: 11/4, submitted via Blackboard before 6:30pm. 1. Watch the following video clip: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-authoritarianism-has-spread-since-the-coronavirus-pandemic-began & Read the following article: No Vaccine for Cruelty; Covid-19 and Liberty (This article can be located under ‘course materials’ entitled ‘session#8_inclassreading.’) 2. Based on the assigned article, please answer the following questions in short-answer form: a. What has been the impact of Covid-19 on authoritarian regimes around the world? b. What has been the impact of Covid-19 on democratic regimes around the world? c. Do you think Covid-19 has the potential to fundamentally strengthen or breakdown regimes types? 3. Each question should be at least one paragraph. The writing assignment, as a whole, therefore should be approximately 1 to 1.5 pages, but should not exceed 2 pages (12-point Times New Roman font, double space, and 1-inch margins). 4. Rubric: Writing Assignments Rubric (0=Not Present) (.5= Initial) (1=Emerging) (1.5=Developed) (2=Highly Developed) Completion (0=No) (.5=Some Questions) (1=Yes) 1. Did the student answer all questions? Comments Content (0=Not Present) (.5= Initial) (1=Emerging) (1.5=Developed) (2=Highly Developed) 3. Did the student clearly develop the central ideas in their answers to the questions posed, in their own words? (0-2 points) 4. Did the student provide evidence of critical, careful thought and/or analysis and insight?(0-2 points) Comments Final Comments ___/5