Paper answering the following questions

Article 29: M. Rochlin, The Heterosexual Questionnaire Article 30: Robert Jensen, A Pornographic World (What is Normal?)   Nell Irvin Painter, Hill Thomas and the Use of Racial Stereotypes, in Morrison, Toni (edited) in Race-ing Justice. En-gendering Power. The Brett Kavanaugh hearing showed how little has changed since Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas Highlights from the hearings:: Watch The Most Outrageous Questions Senators Asked Anita Hill In 1991 (Youtube) Flashback: Clarence Thomas responds to Anita Hill (youtube)   4 Key Takeaways From the Blasey and Kavanaugh      Hearing.   The legacy of the Hill-Thomas hearings in October 1991, led to the enactment of sexual harassment laws. Clarence Thomas was nominated by the Republicans for the highest court in the US. His confirmation hearings generated high political drama and brought sexual harassment to center stage. It also brought forth simmering gender tension in the work place. Over two decades later, in 2018, Americans found themselves at the same gendered cross road with the hearings of Ford and Kavannaugh. These 2 hearings show class and gender trump race. Q. What do you think changed during the Ford-Kavanaugh hearings in 2018 from the hearings held for Hill-Thomas in 1991? How were the 2 hearings similar and different? As you write your response, think of the previous Dbs in which a Stanford rapist is let off easily. Suggested film: (Optional) Disclosure 22 February 2016 3:48 PM, -05:00 | Variety – Film News … Disclosure — Sexual harassment and corporate politics provide the basis for this contemporary drama.

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