Social justice

SOCIAL JUSTICE Students will work in groups to develop and investigate a genuine and arguable question of social justice that stems either from a real-life issue that you have confronted or expect to confront (for example, in your professional life) or from a contemporary social/political issue or controversy. In general, for this paper you must: Identify a genuine question of social justice. Explain why this question is arguable. In other words, you have to show that there can be reasonable disagreement about the answer to this question. Take a position on this question. Support your position with good philosophical reasons and address reasonable counter-arguments The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that you understand how social problems arise, and how they can be ameliorated or exacerbated.  To that end, your research project must be focused on a topic we have not explicitly covered in class.   TOPIC SUCH AS: Procedural rights Education Housing Health  Research Paper – 200 points Due: Wednesday, 11/18, 11:59 pm Students will write a 1000 – 1500 word paper, which will be the culmination of your investigation into your topic question.  Ultimately, your goal in this paper is to show how your group is answering the question you initially asked, and present your reasons for arriving at this conclusion.  In doing so, you will need to support your position with plenty of evidence, and address any reasonable objections or counterarguments.

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