Literature Review Guidelines The written assignment is independent work; this is not a group project A literature review is an inclusive summary of previous research on a selected topic, not a summary of a single article. The aim is to review, critique, and synthesize representative scholarly literature on a given topic and write a comprehensive paper on pertinent points. For this assignment, choose a topic relating to biology or biomedical sciences and find at least five peer-reviewed articles to discuss. Feel free to run topic ideas by your professor. The purpose of this assignment is to choose an appropriate topic and: Your literature review should contain four basic parts: ▪ An introduction, giving the reader a concise overview of your topic/central theme with a clear topic sentence guiding your reader what to expect in your review ▪ The main body, which contains information (described above) gleaned from various sources (minimum of 3 different studies) ▪ A conclusion and recommendations section, in which you posit what you have learned from your literature review, what questions it raised for you, and what is missing from the current body of research ▪ A literature cited section (see handout for formatting) ▪ Review the grading rubric below to make sure you include all important sections Literature Review Format ▪ Submit work in a Word document file ▪ Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 spacing, with normal margins▪ 5 pages, not including cover page or references ▪ Literature cited: at least 5 peer-reviewed references Grading will also be based on your ability to communicate scientific concepts effectively. This includes synthesizing ideas, organizing your sentences in a logical order, writing in a concise fashion, avoiding redundant statements, avoiding jargon/informal writing, correct spelling, and grammar. ▪ Describe the contributions and major findings of diverse research ▪ Compare methods used to conduct research ▪ Identify conflicts among seemingly contradictory studies ▪ Identify gaps in knowledge and need for additional research on the topic ▪ Brainstorm your own potential research question relating to the topic within the context of existing literature Due date 1: Submit the tentative title of your literature review paper and pdfs of three peer-review journal article references. These documents should be uploaded in Blackboard before class on the September 4th assignment link. Due date 2: Submit your literature review introduction and outline for the paper. The introduction sets the stage for the subject of your paper and ends with a specific topic sentence of where the remainder of the paper is headed/ what the reader can anticipate. The outline should include a breakdown of each paragraph and the general main points it will address. Having this outline will help you organize the paper and visualize the flow of ideas to ensure your sentences are placed in logical places and avoid redundancy. By putting time into your outline and reading the articles you plan to use, it will save you effort writing a draft of the paper. A single Microsoft Word document should be uploaded in the Groups tool of Blackboard before 10 AM on September 25th. Within the Groups tool, you will be able to download your peer’s papers to review and communicate constructive feedback. When reviewing your peers’ papers, be thorough and use the grading rubric below to help guide them towards improved writing. Pay attention to the flow of ideas and the logic of the paper. Remember that you are not only being graded on the draft you submit, but also on the quality of constructive feedback that you provide others. Be conscientious of other’s feelings when making suggestions as there is usually a nice way to phrase feedback. There is no class meeting on September 25th- use the time instead to review your peer’s papers and upload them with comments in the Group tool before 5 pm on September 25th. Due date 3: Submit a first full draft of your literature review as a single Microsoft Word document through the Groups tool in Blackboard before 10 AM on October 14th. Your paper will be reviewed by two peers in class and you will also review the literature reviews of two peers. To maximize the opportunity for constructive feedback, this draft paper should be of a high quality- as if you were submitting it as your final term paper. It should include all sections of the literature review and be formatted according to the guidelines below. Use the grading rubric below to make sure you don’t miss out on easy points. When reviewing your peers’ papers, be thorough and use the grading rubric below to help guide them towards improved writing. Pay attention to the flow of ideas and the logic of the paper. Remember that you are not only being graded on the draft you submit, but also on the quality of constructive feedback that you provide others. Be conscientious of other’s feelings when making suggestions as there is usually a nice way to phrase feedback. There is no class meeting on October 14th- use the time instead to review your peer’s papers and upload them with comments in the Group toolbefore 5 pm on October 4th. Due date 4: Submit a second full draft of your literature review. See the comments for Due date 3. This second draft should be much improved from your first draft and is another opportunity for you to gain constructive feedback and learn how to critically review others work. There is no class meeting on November 2nd- use the time instead to review your peer’s papers and upload them with comments in the Group tool before 5 pm on November 2nd. Due date 5: Submit your final electronic literature review paper as a single Microsoft Word document in Blackboard before 10 AM on November 23rd. Blackboard does not allow late submissions so do not procrastinate on turning in your paper. Your paper will be run through plagiarism software and your grade on the assignment will be penalized by the quantity that the program detects plagiarism (which should be zero!). Be sure to follow all the guidelines below and check that your paper addresses all the points in the marking rubric. Literature Review Grading Rubric Descriptive, specific Meets required length (5-6 pages) Introduction • Provides relevant background info on the topic (avoids unnecessary details) • Clear topic statement that summarizes what will be included in the literature review• Well-organized Body of Paper • Comprehensive overview of what is known about the topic; includes a clear and concise description/summary of research findings • Compares different methods used to research topic (basic, not in-depth descriptions of methods used) • Critical evaluation, including positive and negative aspects of research• Identifies potential gaps in knowledge • Incorporates in a minimum of 3 studies Conclusions/Future Work • Summarizes paper and ties together concepts • Description of potential future work / new questions that stem from current research Literature Cited • Includes at least 5 relevant peer-reviewed articles/citations• Proper format for in-text citations (see handout) • Proper format for Literature Cited section (see handout) Grammar/spelling/punctuation/organization/formal writing style / 5 / 5 / 15 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 40 / 20 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 10 / 5 / 5 / 15 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 10 Title Length TOTAL POINTS /100
Literature Review Assignment 2020