Leadership case study

Consider the following scenario: Your friend is a high school senior who is considering coming to your college. When they come to campus for a visit, you volunteer to accompany them on the campus tour and orientation activities of the day. During the tour, you begin to notice some cues and clues of the campus culture. Make observations about our campus culture by answering the following questions: 1. What do students hear about or see during their visit that communicates ideals, goals, values, and aspirations of our University? 2. Who are considered role models around here? Whose actions are recognized and rewarded for high standards of performance? 3. What are the formal or informal guidelines for “how life works” around here? Are there certain ways people dress, talk, or act? 4. What might be some of the underlying assumptions that drive the values and actions of the school (of faculty, staff, or current students)? 5. If you had to create “campus recruitment brochure” for our university that outlines or illustrates the key aspects of campus culture, what would you include? 6. State the mission statement, vision and core values for our college.

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