Trending of zoom meeting

casual argument :how to get that way? A claim about how something happened can be made in any context. Based on the terms and ideas from Malcolm Gladwell’s book, The Tipping Point, and Chapter 7 in your class text Rhetoric of Argument, write a cause/analysis essay that examines, explains and argues about a current trend that you find interesting.After you have researched and analyzed the trend, decide on the purpose of your argument. Please note that you are writing an argument based in causal analysis, not a report on your chosen trend. Are you trying to give a full explanation of all the various conditions and factors, actions, and intentions that brought something about? Are you making a prediction? Are you investigating causes because you want to make something happen or stop it from happening? Your thesis should clearly argue for at least one (if not more) of these purposes and should be one sentence at the end of your introduction paragraph I expect you to support your claim with at least four body paragraphs. Each body   As a writing plan, be sure to keep these steps in mind. 1) Clearly define your trend to your audience. In your introduction, provide evidence from research that your trend exists. Statistics, sales numbers, scholarly facts. 2) Consider the types of causes: near/proximate; remote; necessary; sufficient; responsibility; absence of a blocking cause; reciprocal causes; chance. Pick one “Frame” and at least two of the models as they are explained in Rhetoric of Argument. Please note: regardless of which “Frame” you chose in your analysis, you must name the precipitating cause. 3) Name the basic connections between cause and effect. You are arguing HOW this trend has progressed. 4) Include a works cited page following MLA documentation structure. Include Gladwell’s book and our class text and all other resources. You must also include in-text citations for all quotations and paraphrases in the body of your paper. Please follow MLA guidelines. This assignment requires that you research current trends, so you will need to include information from a variety of sources, including but not limited to: historical, professional, scholarly and/or academic journals, as well as commercial periodicals and/or websites. You may also include primary sources such as interviews or surveys. Do not rely on commercial websites as your only sources.


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