Reflecting on Module 6 wjn engl103

In this discussion, please write 5-10 sentences outlining what you learned in Module 6.  Think about ideas that were new to you, or things you discovered about yourself as a student or a person. Also think about what you learned about your own writing process.  Is there anything you are struggling with in planning and researching your final essay?   No responses to others are required, but in the interest of building a supportive and friendly class environment, and trying to avoid the impersonal feeling that online classses can sometimes have, I encourage you to respond to a few of your classmates and maybe have a real conversation! This post is worth 10 points.  It is intended to help you solidify the learning of Module 6 so that you can move on confidently into Module 7 (our last!).

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Reflecting on Module 6 wjn engl103
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