Research Paper

(1) Find a short story.  In order to avoid repetition, choose something that we have not discussed in our course. Also, don’t feel restricted by the choice. Choose anything literary.   (2) If you want, instead of a short story, you can also choose a novel or a play. (3) You need to interpret the story by commenting on the plot, themes, symbols, literary techniques like irony and so on, title, characterization and setting, and how they contribute towards the story’s theme(s). You can pick and choose from this list and do not have to include all in your analysis. (4) This will be a 5 page paper (12 font size, Times New Roman, and Double-spaced). Format it in the MLA 8th ed style.  (5) Your paper must also have a title of its own. (6) Write an Introduction with a thesis statement, construct well-defined paragraphs, and write a conclusion to sum up your discussion. (7) More importantly, go beyond the plot/story. I want you to interpret the story, and therefore the tone should be persuasive or argumentative. Consider this as a chance to show off your critical thinking and analytical skills. You can also do a  thematic analysis  of your chosen work.  (8) You have to use at least 2 different secondary sources that support your opinions on the chosen work. (Check  our Library online database).

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