Annotated bibliography

Research paper question: How has information technology supported the development of monopolies – Amazon, Microsoft, telecom companies? Will these monopolies survive? Part A: annotated bibliography Task:     Create an annotated bibliography of six sources that could be used for your research paper including at least two articles from scholarly journals.  Length:   six citations, each with an annotation of 150 +/- 25 words (125-175 words each). The assignment should be at least 3 pages. Sources: six sources related to your research question, including at least two from scholarly journal articles. All six sources should be high-quality sources that you can use in your research project. For each source, include: Reference citation in APA format Annotation of 150 ±25 words, formatted in a single paragraph, with summary evaluation use

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  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
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  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)