Attached is the word document with further details for instructions. The scenario provided is: You observe a peer posted a photo on social media taken from a wound change for a hospitalized patient. Choose one of the following outcomes: 1. A HIPAA violation occurs, and client data is exposed to the media. 2. A medication error has harmed a client. 3. A technology downtime that impacts patient care occurs, and an error is made. 4. A ransomware attack has occurred, and the organization must contemplate paying the ransom or lose access to patient data. a. Introduction – 40 points/17% • Catches attention of the reader • States purpose of the paper • Provides a narrative outline of the paper (i.e., the assignment criteria) b. HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion – 40 points/17% • Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to: • Patient privacy and HIPAA standards • Healthcare regulations • Legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology c. Scenario Ending and Recommendations – 50 points/21% • Selects and presents one scenario ending as the focus of the assignment. • Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers as the situation evolved. • Recommends actions that could have been taken to mitigate the circumstances presented in the selected scenario ending. • Supports recommendations with evidence from recent scholarly publications. d. Advantages and Disadvantages – 50 points/21% • Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to: • The advantages of appropriately using technology in healthcare • Risks of technology use in healthcare • Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare. e. Conclusion and Reflections – 30 points/12% • Summarizes what new information was learned by completing this assignment. • Reflects on how this new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional. f. Scholarly Writing and APA Format – 30 points/12% NR360_RUA_We_Can_But_Dare_We_Guidelines Revised: July 2020 3 • Paper submitted as a Microsoft Word document. • Adheres to current APA formatting guidelines including proper use of: • Title page • Running head • Page numbers • Length is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages. • Includes at least three (5) references that are: • From recent (within the last 5 years) scholarly sources • Cited in text appropriately • Included on an APA formatted reference page • Scholarly writing reflects: • Accurate spelling • Correct use of professional grammar • Logical organization of thoughts (mechanics) For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar), visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library. Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.
NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare