Research paper- tattoos

You should submit your rough draft #2 here.  The draft should be at least 5 pages long.  It should  include: 2 examples of a direct quotation that is properly punctuated and documented. 2 example where you paraphrased material and correctly cited it at the end of the sentence or paragraph.  your works cited page Annotation – good/short Cite Format – correct indention of entries, in alpha order for direct information please underline and put parentheses  Using your proposal paper begin to write your formal research paper. all docs in files please use my introduction to start the paper  It should  include: one example of a direct quotation that is properly punctuated and documented. one example where you paraphrased material and correctly cited it at the end of the sentence or paragraph. please highlight or underline so i know where. You are required to have at least seven (7) reliable sources for your Research Essay project: Three (3) Scholarly Sources (minimum) Three (3) Popular Sources (minimum)  One (1) Primary Source (minimum) Be sure to follow all format guidelines for paper Double-space the document Use 12 point Times New Roman font (This item is in 12 point TNR font for reference) Set all margins to one inch in the document Indent the first line of each paragraph—this can be done by pressing the “Tab” button. Create a header which contains your last name and page numbers—this must be an imbedded header, not simply typing this material at the top of each page. Please view this tutorial if you are having issues (“ctrl” & left click on the previous sentence) In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor’s name, the course, and the date. Use italics throughout the document when referencing longer works (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.) or film titles. Use quotation marks when referring to article titles. If you include a title, be sure it is centered and clearly separate from the main text of the document

Order 904043 FINAL (2) (1) Annotated Bibliography -Eng 112 (1) Tattos – final (1) Tattoos final- revisted version (1)

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