Market Research – Advanced Regression

Use the Lifestyles and Recreation Survey excel file found here . The Questionnaire that was answered to produce this data can be found here . Using this data and the Excel Analysis Toolpak (activation instructions here  (Links to an external site.) ), answer the questions below. For all answers, please copy and paste tables produced by Excel Toolpak to provide evidence in support of the accuracy of your answer.   **For questions 1 and 3, a) State the null and alternative hypothesis, b) Use the appropriate test to answer the question, c) Report your conclusion, the final estimated regression equation, and show your work ** **Recode Gender to be 0 or 1 (it is standard to have male=1, female=0. It doesn’t change the math, but for the sake of consistency please code male =1). To do this, create a new variable labeled ‘gender01’. An =if() statement, or another mathematic transformation will reduce potential for error. Create an interaction variable labeled ‘Gender_Friends’. To do this, in excel, multiply gender01 x GoingOutWithFriends. This should create a new variable in your data set that represents the interaction of these two variables.**   Question 1: Is the extent to which people have an enjoyable lifestyle predicted by how much people like hanging out with friends and how many hours they spend playing video games? Question 2: Based on your results from question 1, how enjoyable of a lifestyle would someone have who plays 8 hours of videogames a week and rated going out with friends as a 5 (out of 7)? Question 3: Is the extent to which people see their lives as enjoyable predicted by gender, the degree to which they like going out with family and friends, and the interaction between these two variables? *Hint: Remember that testing an interaction requires testing the main effects of the interaction variables in addition to the interaction term.

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