DO NOT ANSWER THE PROMPTS: Just simply Write Comments on responses to these prompts bellow: comment on 1st (R.B) and 2nd response (B.M) prompts in the Education Code discussion forum : What is your understanding of the California Education Code and Title 5 code or regulations? What role do constituencies play in policy development at the K-12 level? 1st response to the prompts : . (R.B ) 1 paragraph To my understanding, the California Education Code derives from legislation. It surpasses Title 5 regulation. The Ed Code classifies the STRS and covers the policies for the community colleges. The Academic Senate possesses the major responsibility for proposals concerning the curriculum. The important sections of the code pertaining to the employees and their salaries. Title 5 developed from the California Education Code. The important sections include The Board of Governors, Employees, Students, Curriculum and Instruction, Fiscal Support, and the Administration of Colleges. They are all pertaining to the Community Colleges. The sections that need to be paid more attention to deals with the Senate’s rights, regarding education, as well as the matters that concern the curriculum committee (i.e. how it is formed, and it’s placed in proposing the curriculum). Title 5 also identifies the standards for credit, noncredit, and community service courses. Furthermore, it covers the criteria for recruitment of all positions, including both faculty and administration, recruitment exceptions, and Interim positions. There is an old adage that says, “Without a vision, the people will perish.” Administrators should have an idea of where they want to lead the staff and students. Rebore (2014) confirmed that “An important issue for educational leaders is creating a vision and goals for a school district.” Rebore (2014) added, “Devising the process for creating the visions and goals is the responsibility of the board of education and the superintendent of schools, and is best accomplished through a strategic-planning process that involves all school-district stakeholders.” One’s job is easier when one does not take on all of the responsibility that can be shared by those who support the main cause. Rebore (2014) posited, “The superintendent of schools must share leadership with others in communicating, implementing and supporting the vision and goals of the school district.” One more thing, When an administrator comes on board, his main goal is to fix what is broken. Rebore (2014) highlighted, “The superintendent is vital in bringing about reform…” References: Crawford, P. & Stanskas, J. (2014). Understanding Education Code and Title 5 (Links to an external site.) Paradise Point, San Diego: Faculty Leadership Institute. Retrieved on 10/27/20 from,%20Title%205,%20and%20Local%20Senates.pdf (Links to an external site.) Rebore, R.W. (2014). The ethics of educational leadership. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Inc. Reply 2nd response to the prompts : . (B.M ) The California Education Code (CEC) is the collection of all state laws and regulations governing all aspects of the educational process at every level (K-12, community college, university) within the State of California. It establishes how schools operate, receive and utilize funds, and develop curriculum. Title 1 of the CEC outlines the general provisions of how schools operate. Title 2 specifically governs K-12 schools and Title 3 governs post-secondary institutions. The CEC is permissive, rather than authorizing, which means that unless something is specifically prohibited, it is allowed. Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations (Title 5) are the administrative regulations governing education, including topics like Board of Education procedures, parent involvement, curriculum, school facilities and financing, local control funding, and special programs. The CEC gives rights to constituents of local educational agencies (LEA) to petition the school board to change policy and procedure where permissible as part of Parent Empowerment. These can include policy changes regarding topics like funding allocation, instruction and curriculum, class sizes, and special services. In most jurisdictions, teachers and staff are represented by unions that will also get involved in the policy making and procedure process.